Tag: Philosophy

  • Day 7: No Alcohol

    I really need to exercise some self-control with sugar. I’ve been making excuses and consuming a shitload of sugar for the last two weeks. I induced a sugar crash last night – something I haven’t felt for over 20 years (back when I graduated from high school, I consumed way too much Pepsi and shit…

  • Day 6: No Alcohol

    I’ve got zero ambition today. I slept pretty good aside from my kiddo crawling into bed with the Mrs. and then kicking me and squirming woke me up a few times. I didn’t get out of bed until 630 this morning. Yeah, I need to go take a cold shower and just get moving. But…

  • Day 3: No Alcohol

    I started to feel like I’m fighting a cold last night, it’s gotten a bit worse this morning. I figure it’s probably withdrawals – or maybe I am getting sick – which would be weird as I haven’t been around too many people the last few days. Oh well, it is what it is, worst…

  • Day 2: No Alcohol

    It really is amazing how much better I feel not drinking before bed. Yeah I still don’t have much in the way of stuff accomplished, but I’m more engaged with my son after work and I’m finding I generally feel better. My head is clear, I don’t feel the effects on my balance and coordination…

  • Day 1: No Alcohol

    Okay, so starting over since I managed to slip into a pattern of drinking and not realize it yesterday until after I was good way into my beer. Habituated behavior is an interesting thing. It was nice actually simply being present and enjoying my beer without thinking about the next one (or the one after…

  • No Alcohol: Starting Over

    Okay, I still can’t believe I did this. My wife and I go to lunch during the week, a nice chance to just be able to talk to each other and not worry about anything else. The Mrs. asked about going to a bar we haven’t been to for a bit (the service/food quality has…

  • Day 7: No Alcohol

    Day 7, after today, a week without alcohol. I’m conflicted at a realization – yeah I’m glad I’ve gone 7 days without alcohol. But hell, I sound like an alcoholic – I’m not making light of people who actually do have a physical dependency on alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most deadly addictions you…

  • Day 5: No Alcohol

    I’m feeling like I’m not sleeping as much over the last several days, but simultaneously I’m feeling more rested overall. I ended up needing a nap while I was at work mid-afternoon. But I think I consumed caffeine a little earlier than I should have. I got to train with one of my martial arts…

  • Day 4: No Alcohol

    Wow, the sugar craving were a bit rough last night and I did succumb. But I did stop myself at one point and remembered Peter Attia’s book Outlive – basically high blood sugar is the gateway to a ton of chronic health problems. So yeah, I’m keeping that in mind as I go through this…