Tag: Philosophy

  • Day 30: Building a 2nd Brain

    Wow, I’ve been at this a month already – I’m still getting used to thinking the way I’ve been working toward. That being: “Information is only useful when it’s actionable.” I’m not as good at catching myself as I’d like, but I’ve found I don’t spend so much time cruising YouTube endlessly. The process of…

  • Day 21: Building a 2nd Brain

    Still working through the process, I really need to offload stuff to Instapaper – but I haven’t done a ton of article reading. I realize I spend most of the time listening to/watching videos on Youtube – for better or worse. I’m still getting better at taking notes from videos I’m watching for information. This…

  • Day 5: Building a 2nd Brain

    It was a good workout today, again writing my workouts down prior to going to the gym is the way to go. I commit to it before hand and it gets done. Shit I should do that for getting out of bed and shit in the morning. I keep telling myself I’m going to get…

  • Beginner Hacks to Change Your Life

    I haven’t decided on a new 30 day challenge yet, but I’d like to keep my writing everyday going. So I thought I’d do a write-up on the changes I’ve experimented with that have had the biggest impact on my life so far. These are roughly in the order of difficulty from easiest to most…

  • Reflections on No Alcohol

    Yeah I didn’t make it it a straight 30 days, but that’s due to poor planning on my part. I knew my wife’s birthday was coming up and I didn’t plan out not having anything to drink properly. But overall, I’m really glad I did this – it’s something I’ve needed to do for years…

  • Day 22: No Alcohol

    I’m planning on drinking tomorrow night with my wife – so technically this where this challenge is going to end – until I do another later this year. Probably in September. But I’ve learned a lot myself and my relationship to intoxicants. I’ve been a lot more productive, I’ve felt a lot better physically as…

  • Day 18: No Alcohol

    Had friends over for Dungeons and Dragons last night – we didn’t do much campaign wise, we were busy catching up as it’s been a while since we got together. Talking with everyone about what I’ve been doing this year, my friends are impressed. But the Mrs. pointed out that I won’t be able to…

  • Day 12: No Alcohol

    Here we go day 12. I took a cold shower first thing, then we went to our in-laws and the Mrs. cooked breakfast for everyone and we went to the cemetery to visit some graves. My shoulders and upper back are definitely feeling yesterday, I’m pretty sure it’s gotta be the half-rep dumbbell bench press.…

  • Day 10: No Alcohol

    My wife pointed out something I did last night – an interaction with my son. It made me realize I’ve been a bit more impatient/aggressive lately. It might be missing alcohol, but I’m pretty sure physiologically at least, I’m over it. I’m actually more inclined to think my baseline testosterone levels are coming up due…