Category: Post Mortem

  • Reflections on No Alcohol

    Yeah I didn’t make it it a straight 30 days, but that’s due to poor planning on my part. I knew my wife’s birthday was coming up and I didn’t plan out not having anything to drink properly. But overall, I’m really glad I did this – it’s something I’ve needed to do for years…

  • Reflection on Cold Water Therapy

    The idea of Cold Water Therapy was something I came across a long time ago (probably 15 years ago) – when I came across it I thought it sounded like a great idea. But I didn’t want to do it because it was going to be uncomfortable. Here we are in 2024 and I finally…

  • Reflections on Shaping Discipline

    There was/is a part of me that didn’t think I’d make it this far. Yeah I’ve accomplished things before, but I’ve never been this consistent. 60 days of doing doing things for myself. I’ve set goals to read a book in a month and I did it on top of practicing some form of martial…

  • Reflections on Starting Off Winning

    There hasn’t been any magical transformation or anything. But I do find myself less averse to pain. Teaching my Kenpo classes I’ve gotten back into harder contact – which is nice and mentally it feels good. The anticipation of pain makes the pain worse when it arrives – simply accepting pain seems to keep the…