Tag: morning-routine

  • Day 16: Shaping Discipline

    I slept in a little bit, but I was out of bed at 5:00 this morning. Really good for a Saturday – I got everything done and even surprised my wife when she got up and found my son was already dressed. It’s funny as I’ve been going through my morning routine I’ve been getting…

  • Day 15: Shaping Discipline

    I woke up this morning, but chose to stay in bed and rest for a little bit longer – gotta love having a child in daycare. But I got up by 5:15 and then get everything done even with my son waking up. I started reading Living the Martial Way today and after reading the…

  • Day 12: Shaping Discipline

    I got everything on my list done this morning. I didn’t end up getting my martial practice done yesterday – I kept putting it off and then I simply needed to sleep. Doing things like you love them – even if you hate them. Mike Tyson recommends approaching training like that – probably life in…

  • Day 11: Shaping Discipline

    Got up and made stuff happen this morning. I didn’t do my martial practice as I was planning on training with my grandmaster this afternoon – but he’s in the process of moving his business to another location. So yeah that got washed out. Meanwhile I’ve been dealing with a mouse infestation and taking care…

  • Day 9: Shaping Discipline

    I let myself sleep in this morning because it’s Saturday and then I got up and did my meditation first thing, then my mobility work, and martial practice. Then I did my professional reading – there have been some interesting insights in Cyberjutsu that I hadn’t considered before. So yeah the book is definitely worth…

  • Day 8: Shaping Discipline

    Got out of bed on time – well before 4:45 this morning. I did realize this morning that I should be doing the stuff I’m avoiding first – duhhh me. I took my shower and got dressed first, then hydrated. Then I went right to meditating (keep checking the time right around the 7 minute…

  • Day 7: Shaping Discipline

    Wow, trying to get myself to sit still today and focus has been like trying to heard cats – or something. I just realized that making myself sit for 10 minutes and breathe is probably the single most important thing I do for myself to stay focused and grounded. I did get out of bed…

  • Day 6: Shaping Discipline

    I didn’t get up on time again – yeah I blamed still having a sore throat, but really I could have gotten up. There was a massive blizzard so I ended up keeping my son home with me today – but I did manage to get everything done and even a bunch of work (having…

  • Day 5: Shaping Discipline

    This morning did not go as planned – my body needed more rest. So I let myself sleep in, then I got up and got my son ready while my wife got ready for work. This morning has been a simple exercise in pushing forward while accepting previous choices. I couldn’t make myself take a…