Day 6: Shaping Discipline

I didn’t get up on time again – yeah I blamed still having a sore throat, but really I could have gotten up.

There was a massive blizzard so I ended up keeping my son home with me today – but I did manage to get everything done and even a bunch of work (having remote work as an option is so great!).

I was reading Way of the Peaceful Warrior and the Socrates character talked about “mastery” vs being an “expert” in something. Socrates said that a master is the task being performed, that they are detached from the outcome. I couldn’t help but see a lot of parallels with “Turning Pro.”

I’ll probably finish Peaceful Warrior in a couple more days – I’m not sure what I’m going to read next. I was planning on going back to Seneca, but I think I’m going to put it off. I’m feeling like I want to read King Warrior Magician Lover next. We’ll see when I get there.

Actually doing the disciplined part of things this round is proving more difficult that I had figured at first – I’m getting more resistance now – means I’m on the right track I guess. I’m not even a full week in yet. So I’m not worried – even if I was, I’ll just keep showing up and doing the work.

Getting my mobility work and marital practice seem to be activities I’m having the most trouble with – I’ve been going over Long Form 4. I’ve been digging through KenpoNet and watching Casa De Kenpo. I’m really looking for application and making sure I understand the techniques as opposed to how I’ve been practicing it for years – some crappy wrote memorization.

With the mobility work, I’ve been getting upper body no problem, but I really don’t want to get my legs/hips straightened out so I can throw axe kicks and such again properly. Again more resistance – I need to push through it tomorrow and get uncomfortable.


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