Tag: morning-routine

  • Beginner Hacks to Change Your Life

    I haven’t decided on a new 30 day challenge yet, but I’d like to keep my writing everyday going. So I thought I’d do a write-up on the changes I’ve experimented with that have had the biggest impact on my life so far. These are roughly in the order of difficulty from easiest to most…

  • Day 11: No Alcohol

    I slipped with the sugar last night and drank 3 cokes and had some gummy fruit snacks – easiest thing to do is to get rid of sugar, second easiest thing to do will be to switch to diet or sugar free soda. I’ll try that in a day or two. I feel like the…

  • Day 8: No Alcohol

    I did pretty good at denying myself a bunch of extra sugar last night. I still drank a 20oz Coke and I’m sure there some other small indulgences. But overall I did managed to cut back quite a bit. I have been noticing some of my belly fat seems to be softening up – a…

  • Day 30: Cold Water Therapy

    Oh wow, last day of this challenge – not the last day I’m doing cold water though. Forcing myself to be uncomfortable for a few minutes every morning has had a noticeable effect on simply being able to make myself do things. I came across an idea in my YouTube feed (I haven’t watched it…

  • Day 29: Cold Water Therapy

    Yeah I’m feeling a definite physiological change, my circulation seems to have improved – my hands and feet have always had a tendency to swell. But over the last few days in particular, my hands and feet have been noticeably smaller – particularly my feet. I notice when I put my shoes on. My body…

  • Day 28: Cold Water Therapy

    Winding down on this experiment, I can definitely say this is something that makes a big difference in getting my butt going in the morning. Taking the uncomfortably hot showers before bed have been making a noticeable difference with my sleep. I seem to sleep really deeply and wake up early – which should make…

  • Day 26: Cold Water Therapy

    Family stayed overnight in a hotel, so yeah had to take a cold shower in a strange bathroom. But I still got it done – yeah it’s definitely getting easier to make myself do things I don’t feel like or want to do. I’m really thinking this cold water exposure thing is something potentially life-changing.…

  • Day 25: Cold Water Therapy

    It still sucks getting into the shower first thing and turning on the cold water full blast. But after standing in the cold and showering for however long, I did notice that I’m starting to like the sensation. Not just waking up, but my body is starting to actually feel good under the cold water.…

  • Day 24: Cold Water Therapy

    Man, my shoulders are really starting to gripe at me for my workout yesterday. That’s okay, I’ve gotta miss my workout tomorrow, but I’ll get one in on Sunday. Two workouts last week and two this week, that’s a ton better than none at all. I wonder if I’m starting to get some cold adaptation…