Day 7: Shaping Discipline

Wow, trying to get myself to sit still today and focus has been like trying to heard cats – or something. I just realized that making myself sit for 10 minutes and breathe is probably the single most important thing I do for myself to stay focused and grounded.

I did get out of bed by 4:45 this morning, although looking at the extra time I’m needing for things with the extra journaling (which has also been a big help in cleaning up my head) and the martial practice I think I need to get up at 4:30.

As much as I absolutely love seeing my son’s little face as he walks into my office half-awake, I need more time before that happens so I can get everything done – otherwise it becomes 10x more difficult to finish up with my routine.

My discipline has been slipping anyway, I’ve been letting myself scroll through YouTube or Facebook while I’m getting water in the morning but it really does create a bit of downward spiral first thing in the morning. Okay well, I’ll just repurpose the kitchen timer I bought for cold water exposure and put it in my office. I’ll leave my phone on my nightstand until after I’m done.


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