Tag: Resistance

  • Day 30: Building a 2nd Brain

    Wow, I’ve been at this a month already – I’m still getting used to thinking the way I’ve been working toward. That being: “Information is only useful when it’s actionable.” I’m not as good at catching myself as I’d like, but I’ve found I don’t spend so much time cruising YouTube endlessly. The process of…

  • Day 21: Building a 2nd Brain

    Still working through the process, I really need to offload stuff to Instapaper – but I haven’t done a ton of article reading. I realize I spend most of the time listening to/watching videos on Youtube – for better or worse. I’m still getting better at taking notes from videos I’m watching for information. This…

  • Day 16: Building a 2nd Brain

    Wow, I let the blogs on this get away from me. I’ve been keeping up with putting notes into Joplin and it’s been helping keep track of things. I’ve also been listening to the audio book for Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte and it’s been enlightening about the methodology. I’ve been thinking in…

  • Beginner Hacks to Change Your Life

    I haven’t decided on a new 30 day challenge yet, but I’d like to keep my writing everyday going. So I thought I’d do a write-up on the changes I’ve experimented with that have had the biggest impact on my life so far. These are roughly in the order of difficulty from easiest to most…

  • Day 21: No Alcohol

    Got my weight training in this morning, although I forgot to do cardio – but oh well. I tried an asymmetrically loaded RDL today – it’s pretty intense with only a 25lb plate on one side. I can definitely feel the imbalance in my core and posterior chain on my right side. Oh well, the…

  • Day 19: No Alcohol

    Been a busy day today with work and travel. I did get to go train with one of my teachers today, I’ve started learning American Kenpo Form 6 – an interesting form dealing with weapon defenses. I’m a bit torn as I’m not a fan of the way most martial arts teach dealing knives in…

  • Day 18: No Alcohol

    Had friends over for Dungeons and Dragons last night – we didn’t do much campaign wise, we were busy catching up as it’s been a while since we got together. Talking with everyone about what I’ve been doing this year, my friends are impressed. But the Mrs. pointed out that I won’t be able to…

  • Day 17: No Alcohol

    I’ve started going down a bit of a rabbit hole with understanding more about fat loss and dieting in general. I came across the Renaissance Periodization channel on YouTube (I’ll refer to Mike as RP from now on) and he’s got a lot of good information. I quantify “good” as he seems to know what…

  • Day 16: Alcohol

    Damn, that was a good workout. I did 5 minutes on the elliptical to warm up, then did 3 sets of Kickstand Squats, then did 3 sets of bench at 255lbs, then deadlifted 315lbs – I used a weight for the first time in a while and wow, that made 315 feel like 225 unbelted.…