Day 9: Shaping Discipline

I let myself sleep in this morning because it’s Saturday and then I got up and did my meditation first thing, then my mobility work, and martial practice. Then I did my professional reading – there have been some interesting insights in Cyberjutsu that I hadn’t considered before. So yeah the book is definitely worth it to me to read.

I got my visualization done and set my priorities for the day. Yeah, getting the stuff I know I’ll avoid later done first has been helping – but there’s still the question of if I’m just doing things to do things.

I need to focus on the items that make the biggest impact – with my morning routine, everything has had an impact. With work and projects around the house it’s sometimes not as clear.

I got in the shower after my wife, so I ended up taking a slightly cold shower followed by blasting myself with really cold water – whew – the water was COLD this morning. But I made myself stay in it longer than usual because it was so uncomfortable.

For my martial practice, I continued going over Long 4 and refining my understanding of the movements. I’ve been practicing it wrong for a long time. I’m getting more insight into the techniques. I also realized it’s the mental effort of really studying it that I’ve been avoiding – which is really sad. But no sense in lamenting over the past.


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