Tag: Getting Things Done

  • Day 4: Shaping Discipline

    I didn’t get out of bed until 4:47 this morning – so no credit there. But I did get everything done before I left for work this morning. I had a good conversation with one of my grandmasters today, he was talking about an experience with Ed Parker Sr. where the senior black belts kept…

  • Day 2: Shaping Discipline

    I let myself sleep in this morning – it’s Saturday after all. I got up about 7 (when my son said it was time), I took a shower and got ready to go to breakfast with the family. We went to McDonald’s to let my boy play, but he wasn’t interested today, so we ate…

  • Reflections on Starting Off Winning

    There hasn’t been any magical transformation or anything. But I do find myself less averse to pain. Teaching my Kenpo classes I’ve gotten back into harder contact – which is nice and mentally it feels good. The anticipation of pain makes the pain worse when it arrives – simply accepting pain seems to keep the…

  • Shaping Discipline

    So here I am starting my 2nd 30 day challenge for 2024. After a lot of thought, I decided I need to continue building habits I wish I had developed – years – ago. So I’m adding in some small time blocks – 10 minutes seems to be doable while still being slightly uncomfortable for…

  • Day 30: Starting Off Winning

    Well, here I am at the finish line. Over the last few days I had the thought: When the battle is over, tighten your chinstrap. Samurai Maxim I’d been close to completing a goal, and I was on guard just in case. I did have some trouble getting out of bed this morning – I…

  • Day 26: Starting Off Winning

    I slept in this morning, but I felt really good getting out of bed. I hydrated and took some probiotic supplements to recover from a course of anti-biotics (wow, they really do help your gut). I realized something important when I’ve been defining my 3 major objectives for the day – a lot of times…

  • Day 16: Starting Off Winning

    It was a bit rough getting out of bed this morning, I was actually arguing with myself – or I should say I was telling myself I needed to get out of bed, but didn’t for about 20 minutes. Once I got into the shower it got easier to make myself do things, but I…

  • Day 7: Starting Off Winning

    Taking action is the only way to actually get anywhere. But you also need to take effective action. I spent a long time in my life being busy, but not really going anywhere. I’ve been thinking about the tendency for people to focus on window dressing in their lives – i.e. jumping straight to the…