Day 30: Starting Off Winning

Well, here I am at the finish line.

Over the last few days I had the thought:

When the battle is over, tighten your chinstrap.

Samurai Maxim

I’d been close to completing a goal, and I was on guard just in case.

I did have some trouble getting out of bed this morning – I think I’m still recovering from whatever it was. The antibiotics are still working their magic, but overall I’m feeling better. I’ve been tired the last couple of days though. But overall, I’m doing better.

Looking back over the last 30 days, this process started as just seeing if I could do it. Now I’m seeing it as a form of “paying myself first.” I’ve been taking steps everyday to make sure things that are important to me get progress made.

This 30 days has been about helping me to understand myself and boy there have been a couple whoppers.

Looking forward to the next 30 days, I’m definitely going to expand my journaling. As well I’m going to read a book related to professional development every 30 days – I’m going to start with Cyberjutsu: Cybersecurity for the Modern Ninja.

We’ll see where the aggregation of marginal gains takes me beyond that.

Here’s to the next 30 days!


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