Author: Brandon

  • Day 11: Starting Off Winning

    Well not so much starting off today – I was lazy and stayed in bed until I heard my son messing around in the kitchen. But I did get everything done aside from getting out of bed bed by 4:45am. I blew up at my parents last night, I realized today that it’s because I…

  • Day 10: Starting Off Winning

    1/3 of the way to the end of this goal. I woke up, but stayed in bed after my alarm went off- for what felt like 30 minutes. I didn’t even bother to look at my phone until after I’d gotten out of the shower. It was only 5 minutes after 5 – so apparently…

  • Day 9: Starting Off Winning

    It amazes me how much more quickly 20 minutes seems to go by when you’re just waking up and are motivating yourself to get out of bed – or maybe it’s being half-awake. Yeah today I struggled to get out of bed, to get in the shower – the cold water therapy was surprisingly easy,…

  • Day 8: Starting Off Winning

    It’s interesting how you start paying attention to something and you see it everywhere. It somehow seems fitting I’d really start noticing this as I’m starting into week two of this 30 day challenge to myself. As I’ve been going through my daily routine, I’ve been finding more things relating to what I’m trying to…

  • Day 7: Starting Off Winning

    Taking action is the only way to actually get anywhere. But you also need to take effective action. I spent a long time in my life being busy, but not really going anywhere. I’ve been thinking about the tendency for people to focus on window dressing in their lives – i.e. jumping straight to the…

  • Day 6: Starting Off Winning

    I actually got out of bed by 4:45 this morning, I was surprised because I was awake before my alarm went off, I actually ended up laying in bed (amazing how fast 15 minutes goes by when you just want to lay in bed) then got up. I’ve started doing lukewarm showers instead of hot…

  • Day 5: Starting Off Winning

    Here we are day 5 and the novelty has definitely worn off – now comes discipline. This is exactly why I’ve set aside thoughts of what to add next. My current goal is to work through this routine for 30 days. Although I still haven’t gotten out of bed at 4:30 or 4:45 am yet…

  • Day 4: Starting Off Winning

    Thinking is easy, it’s the doing that’s hard – it’s the doing others admire. If things like weight loss or building muscle were easy, everyone would do it. People want the respect of being something, but they don’t want to go through the hard part of actually doing it. This morning I let myself sleep…

  • Day 3: Starting Off Winning

    Still not a perfect day, I got out of bed even later than yesterday – which ended up de-railing me for a bit after my son woke up and came into my office. But seeing my son’s little squinty face as he walks in and his eyes are adjusting to the light is one of…