Day 4: Starting Off Winning

Thinking is easy, it’s the doing that’s hard – it’s the doing others admire. If things like weight loss or building muscle were easy, everyone would do it. People want the respect of being something, but they don’t want to go through the hard part of actually doing it.

This morning I let myself sleep in for a couple hours – I’ve been tired since Day 1 and needed it. Then I got up and I’ve still been making things happen.

As I’m doing this stuff I find myself being more ambitious and wanting to add more goals, but it’s only day 4 and I don’t want to be too overconfident.

I’ve started back into Taoism for Beginners and it’s interesting to see Eastern perspectives on philosophy and life in general. I have seen some parallels between Stoicism and some Taoist teachers (the book is an overview) – we’ll see if those hold up.

But it does have me thinking about what it is that makes a good life – and I’m starting to think a good life is a resilient life. Things happen and you need to be able to bounce back. You need to enjoy life – things, activities, and relationships. But you can’t be too attached to them – everything is here for a time and then it leaves. Enjoy things while you have them and then let them go without resentment.


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