Author: Brandon

  • Embracing Warriorship: The End

    I think this challenge is dead. I’ve been fighting with myself and trying to understand why I haven’t had the drive to push through this challenge like I’ve had for the previous ones. I’ve picked up some good habits, but I find myself contemplating why I’m continuing this format. It’s putting a bunch of pressure…

  • Day 10: Embracing Warriorship

    This is more of a catch-up than anything. I’m really on day 10 and I’m failing the challenge to myself to do everything on my list. But simultaneously I’m feeling like I’m digging down to a whole new level. I’m accepting that I’m fine not meeting my own expectations. I keep thinking back to Way…

  • Day 9: Embracing Warriorship

    I must be getting close to some genuine gold here. I’m having the hardest time wanting to continue this process. I’m reflecting on life and for a long time, I’ve liked the idea of become a life coach. I remember being inspired by my first Karate instructor. I can pretty much trace the trajectory of…

  • Day 8: Embracing Warriorship

    I got the core stuff done yesterday (again, this is the next day), which is always nice. Thinking about how much difficulty I’ve been having with getting through things – I’m thinking I’ve been relying too much on willpower and I’ve generally got so much crap going on anyway that I don’t have much left.…

  • Day 7: Embracing Warriorship

    I’m tired the last few days and having a helluva time continuing on with this project. I think that means I need to keep going all the more. I got my core stuff done yesterday (yeah I’m a day late on this) except for getting out of bed on time.

  • Day 6: Embracing Warriorship

    Yeah far less stress on myself when I don’t overload myself with everything. I did my journaling, cold water exposure, and took my dog for a walk after I got home from work. I realized I’ve been floundering with my goals for this – making them far too complicated. Eh derp. I’m pursuing the path…

  • Day 5: Embracing Warriorship

    Something absolutely unexpected happened yesterday – my neighbor who almost made me punch his lights out – apologized. So yeah, that’s nice, I know another of my neighbors by name and hey he’s walking his dog on a leash and apparently not being so much of a jackass. Wow. In other news I’ve actually been…

  • Day 4: Embracing Warriorship

    I’m really not feeling like I’m embracing warriorship today – but I’m going through everything. I showed up at the dojo and did some light bag work, light stretching, and some combinations in the air. I just couldn’t get my joints to warm up. I probably need to get some sleeves for my knees and…

  • Day 3: Embracing Warriorship

    I woke up on time and got through my morning stuff done and then took care of everything except for weight training. My body is still acclimating to the new training schedule, so I’m going to forgo weights today. I’ll get up early tomorrow and get training in the dojo done. A good sweat after…