Tag: Philosophy

  • Day 20: Starting Off Winning

    Still sick, so I don’t know that this counts as “starting off” winning. But I’m still doing what I can and I did manage to get some work done today, while my son was also home not feeling good. Both of us ended up taking a nap, but I woke up before he did and…

  • Day 19: Starting Off Winning

    I’m still sick, thought I was starting to feel a bit better until this afternoon, and then got worried when the Mrs. said her throat is hurting. So I got a strep test and it came back negative – but given that it’s within the first 48 hours of symptoms, the false negative rate is…

  • Day 18: Starting Off Winning

    Woke up about 3:00am feeling like a cold was coming on – I turned off my alarm because it’s Saturday anyway. Then went back to sleep. I wrestled a lot with sleep, finally got out of bed around 8:00am feeling like crap. Yep full blown cold (or maybe strep – my throat has been getting…

  • Day 16: Starting Off Winning

    It was a bit rough getting out of bed this morning, I was actually arguing with myself – or I should say I was telling myself I needed to get out of bed, but didn’t for about 20 minutes. Once I got into the shower it got easier to make myself do things, but I…

  • Day 15: Starting Off Winning

    Starting off week number three! My meditation was a lot easier this morning, my mind was still wandering, but I didn’t struggle as much to bring it back to center. I have been processing anger toward other people – trying to understand where it comes from. Generally my anger seems to come from something I…

  • Day 14: Starting Off Winning

    This morning was rough, but I got everything done – I even made myself sit through my entire meditation time instead of letting myself off easy. Yeah it’s a wrestling match with my mind trying to focus on a single thing for even 10 minutes – today I simply focused on my breathing – in…

  • Day 13: Starting Off Winning

    It’s been interesting noticing how much of my internal thought patterns are from my inner two year-old worrying about things. When I notice anxiety now, I talk to myself and I figure out if it’s coming from my shadow pattern or if there’s something else going on. So far it’s always been my shadow –…

  • Day 7: Starting Off Winning

    Taking action is the only way to actually get anywhere. But you also need to take effective action. I spent a long time in my life being busy, but not really going anywhere. I’ve been thinking about the tendency for people to focus on window dressing in their lives – i.e. jumping straight to the…

  • Day 6: Starting Off Winning

    I actually got out of bed by 4:45 this morning, I was surprised because I was awake before my alarm went off, I actually ended up laying in bed (amazing how fast 15 minutes goes by when you just want to lay in bed) then got up. I’ve started doing lukewarm showers instead of hot…