Tag: Philosophy

  • Reflections on Shaping Discipline

    There was/is a part of me that didn’t think I’d make it this far. Yeah I’ve accomplished things before, but I’ve never been this consistent. 60 days of doing doing things for myself. I’ve set goals to read a book in a month and I did it on top of practicing some form of martial…

  • Day 29: Shaping Discipline

    I ended up staying up late talking to my wife so I slept in until 7 this morning (that’s become very late for me). I was still able to get everything on my list done. I’ve been reflecting on this cycle as it’s almost over and I had a couple of experiences last night. The…

  • Day 28: Shaping Discipline

    There was a story in Way of the Peaceful Warrior that talked about someone seeking enlightenment and they came across an old man carrying a sack. The seeker asked the old man “what is enlightenment?” The old man responded b dropping his heavy load and standing up straight. The seeker then asked “what do you…

  • Day 27: Shaping Discipline

    Holy crap, I just realized today how much I’ve been letting the discipline side of this get away from me – or I guess I’ve been making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I let my wake-up time slip and then I’ve been letting tasks slip until later in the day…

  • Day 24: Shaping Discipline

    Holy crap, less than a week out from finishing my second 30 day challenge. Again, there hasn’t been anything mind-blowing that’s happened. But I’ve had a couple of very impactful experiences that have helped my relationship with others as well as my relationship with myself. It felt really good to go out into my driveway…

  • Day 23: Shaping Discipline

    I woke up late – it’s Saturday after all. But I pretty much got right to work, did my mobility work and practiced a couple of forms. I got my professional reading done, and then read some more from Living the Martial Way – a really good book. I wish I had picked it up…

  • Day 22: Shaping Discipline

    I got out of bed on time this morning, I hydrated, and then went right into mobility and martial practice. I took a primarily cold shower and then blasted myself. I took care of my grooming and getting dressed, then had to time out while I got my son ready to go. Got all my…

  • Day 20: Shaping Discipline

    I slept in a bit this morning, then got up and walked out to my kitchen and hydrated. Then I decided to go go back to bed – I’m still fighting crap. I’m about 90%, but for some reason my body just won’t come back the last 10%. I’m still congested and have low energy…

  • Day 17: Shaping Discpline

    I slept in this morning – I was little drunk when I went to bed last night. But I still got up and went through everything. Doing things is surprisingly easy if you simply don’t accept anything else. I’m finding out how important it is to keep your word with yourself and how it builds…