Author: Brandon

  • Day 3: Embracing Warriorship

    I was actually up and out of bed earlier than 4:45. I got up and grabbed my yoga mat (I really need one that’s big enough for me – it’s on my list now). I went through what I could remember of some flows from when I was going to Xenga on a weekly basis.…

  • Day 2: Embracing Warriorship

    I still fought with myself for half an hour this morning before getting out of bed. Well really I slept like crap – I kept waking up, ironically I’m pretty sure that it was because I was looking forward to getting onto day two. But then my alarm went off and I instantly wanted to…

  • Embracing Warriorship

    Starting my 3rd 30 day challenge – wow, 2024 is going pretty damn well I’d say. The theme for this 30 days is “Embracing Warriorship” – I’ve been thinking about it a lot as I went through the last 30 days. I’m feeling inspired by Living the Martial Way (and also Way of the Peaceful…

  • Reflections on Shaping Discipline

    There was/is a part of me that didn’t think I’d make it this far. Yeah I’ve accomplished things before, but I’ve never been this consistent. 60 days of doing doing things for myself. I’ve set goals to read a book in a month and I did it on top of practicing some form of martial…

  • Day 30: Shaping Discipline

    I was hoping to finish strong today, but I ended up sleeping in after the gym yesterday. I think I got the perfect workout in, I wasn’t exhausted, but I was tired. The real test will be when I go back in tomorrow. The workout I did: Squats 135×5 185×5 225×5 225×5 225×5 Press 95×5…

  • Day 29: Shaping Discipline

    I ended up staying up late talking to my wife so I slept in until 7 this morning (that’s become very late for me). I was still able to get everything on my list done. I’ve been reflecting on this cycle as it’s almost over and I had a couple of experiences last night. The…

  • Day 28: Shaping Discipline

    There was a story in Way of the Peaceful Warrior that talked about someone seeking enlightenment and they came across an old man carrying a sack. The seeker asked the old man “what is enlightenment?” The old man responded b dropping his heavy load and standing up straight. The seeker then asked “what do you…

  • Day 27: Shaping Discipline

    Holy crap, I just realized today how much I’ve been letting the discipline side of this get away from me – or I guess I’ve been making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I let my wake-up time slip and then I’ve been letting tasks slip until later in the day…

  • Day 26: Shaping Discipline

    I could have sworn I went through a bit of a slump around day 25 on my last 30 day cycle – but I went through and read several days and couldn’t find anything about a slump. It must have been earlier – that being said, going back and reading these actually helped me out…