Day 30: Shaping Discipline

I was hoping to finish strong today, but I ended up sleeping in after the gym yesterday. I think I got the perfect workout in, I wasn’t exhausted, but I was tired. The real test will be when I go back in tomorrow.

The workout I did:

Values are pounds time reps. ~2 minutes rest between sets.

It felt really good to get a good sweat on and do some real physical exertion. But I’ve also been a bit gassed today in general. I really need some conditioning work.

I’m gonna get back to hitting the gym 3 days a week. With A days and B days:

Workout A:

  • Squats
    • Warmup sets as needed
    • 3 sets of 5 at working weight
  • Press
    • Warmup sets as needed
    • 3 sets of 5 at working weight
  • Deadlift
    • Warmup sets as needed
    • 1 set of 5 at working weight

Workout B:

  • Squats
    • Warmup sets as needed
    • 3 sets of 5 at working weight
  • Bench Press
    • Warmup sets as needed
    • 3 sets of 5 at working weight
  • Deadlift
    • Warmup sets as needed
    • 1 set of 5 at working weight

When all sets are completed for an exercise, then add 5 pounds to the working weight for the next session.

Hopefully the kettlebell work I’m planning to do will give me some of the conditioning I’m hoping for.

I went in and did a more thorough weigh-in with an electrical impedance scan of my body. I’ve apparently lost 9.5lbs and 8lbs of that was muscle – I doubt that’s really accurate – but we’ll see in a couple weeks when I go in for another one.

So what’s the next 30 days going to look like?

I’ve split up things into three blocks:

Block 1: Morning

  • Wake up @ 4:45am
  • Shower/Shave/Cold Water Exposure – 20m
  • Yoga – 10m
  • Kettlebell Ladders – 10m
  • Read – 10m
  • Journal – ~20-30m

Block 2: Professional Development

Block 3: Martial Development

  • EDC Draws – 20 draws
  • Martial Arts Practice – 10m

Nothing crazy, but still pushing progress in areas I want to pursue.


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