Tag: Resistance

  • Day 2: No Alcohol

    Here we go with day 2, I had a rough night sleeping – even after a hot shower. But it’s happened before when I’ve gone without drinking. Need to give it a few days. I did get up and get to the gym this morning got a full workout in – it went about 15…

  • Reflection on Cold Water Therapy

    The idea of Cold Water Therapy was something I came across a long time ago (probably 15 years ago) – when I came across it I thought it sounded like a great idea. But I didn’t want to do it because it was going to be uncomfortable. Here we are in 2024 and I finally…

  • Day 1: No Alcohol

    I’ve been thinking about it the last few days and last night I had just about decided that I should give up caffeine for 30 days. But, I thought about it as I was sipping some whisky last night and realized I really need to give up alcohol for at least 30 days. I don’t…

  • Day 30: Cold Water Therapy

    Oh wow, last day of this challenge – not the last day I’m doing cold water though. Forcing myself to be uncomfortable for a few minutes every morning has had a noticeable effect on simply being able to make myself do things. I came across an idea in my YouTube feed (I haven’t watched it…

  • Day 29: Cold Water Therapy

    Yeah I’m feeling a definite physiological change, my circulation seems to have improved – my hands and feet have always had a tendency to swell. But over the last few days in particular, my hands and feet have been noticeably smaller – particularly my feet. I notice when I put my shoes on. My body…

  • Day 28: Cold Water Therapy

    Winding down on this experiment, I can definitely say this is something that makes a big difference in getting my butt going in the morning. Taking the uncomfortably hot showers before bed have been making a noticeable difference with my sleep. I seem to sleep really deeply and wake up early – which should make…

  • Day 27: Cold Water Therapy

    Nothing big to report on today – I was going to to go to the gym, but I’ve have had something going through my gut that makes me nervous to get under the bar. I did make myself take a cold shower and it still woke me up even at 1:30 in the afternoon.

  • Day 26: Cold Water Therapy

    Family stayed overnight in a hotel, so yeah had to take a cold shower in a strange bathroom. But I still got it done – yeah it’s definitely getting easier to make myself do things I don’t feel like or want to do. I’m really thinking this cold water exposure thing is something potentially life-changing.…

  • Day 25: Cold Water Therapy

    It still sucks getting into the shower first thing and turning on the cold water full blast. But after standing in the cold and showering for however long, I did notice that I’m starting to like the sensation. Not just waking up, but my body is starting to actually feel good under the cold water.…