Tag: Philosophy

  • Day 12: Cold Water Therapy

    So cold water just isn’t as difficult to expose yourself to after you’ve been outside working in the yard. On the other hand, I did find my faucet will go colder – so I guess I’ve been cheating myself in the mornings I get up – yeah I slept in this morning and then I…

  • Day 10/11: Cold Water Therapy

    I had a really busy couple of days, I still made myself take cold showers including waking up in a hotel yesterday. I realize my willingness to simply be uncomfortable has been increasing in my day to day life. I take a cold a shower all and then all day, my body is feeling a…

  • Day 9: Cold Water Therapy

    Cold water really sucks – making myself get naked and stand in front of the shower head first thing in the morning sucks even more. But on the upside, making yourself do things you don’t want to do, makes it so you have an easier time making yourself do things you don’t want to do…

  • Day 7: Cold Water Therapy

    I made myself get into the shower after taking my son to his babysitter – I woke up late because I was not feeling good last night when I went to bed. I had to turn the faucet back to cold after starting it with hot – because I’m still not feeling the best. Holy…

  • Day 6: Cold Water Therapy

    I took a shower last night after I got home from training and then slept in the morning. By the time I got to realizing I hadn’t taken a shower, it was around 6pm so I wasn’t going to wake myself up to only go to bed a few hours later. So no cold water…

  • Day 4: Cold Water Therapy

    I came home feeling like crap yesterday and this unfortunately carried over to this morning. I still made myself take a shower, I didn’t do straight cold water – but – I did make myself leave it on the coldest warm water setting I could and then I still did some straight cold water therapy…

  • Cold Water Therapy

    So after deciding to put an end to Embracing Warriorship as I kept “failing” at my goals. As I was up and journaling this morning, I realized I had started to put too many “big” habit changes into my day. So I needed to throttle back. Yeah I can definitely add changes into my day…

  • Embracing Warriorship: The End

    I think this challenge is dead. I’ve been fighting with myself and trying to understand why I haven’t had the drive to push through this challenge like I’ve had for the previous ones. I’ve picked up some good habits, but I find myself contemplating why I’m continuing this format. It’s putting a bunch of pressure…

  • Day 10: Embracing Warriorship

    This is more of a catch-up than anything. I’m really on day 10 and I’m failing the challenge to myself to do everything on my list. But simultaneously I’m feeling like I’m digging down to a whole new level. I’m accepting that I’m fine not meeting my own expectations. I keep thinking back to Way…