Category: Journal Entry

  • Day 6: Cold Water Therapy

    I took a shower last night after I got home from training and then slept in the morning. By the time I got to realizing I hadn’t taken a shower, it was around 6pm so I wasn’t going to wake myself up to only go to bed a few hours later. So no cold water…

  • Day 5: Cold Water Therapy

    This morning started off as a bit of a shit-show. My poor wife had been up all night with food poisoning – and I was supposed to go south all day to do some training at a martial arts seminar. But I knew I couldn’t leave her alone to take care of our son in…

  • Day 4: Cold Water Therapy

    I came home feeling like crap yesterday and this unfortunately carried over to this morning. I still made myself take a shower, I didn’t do straight cold water – but – I did make myself leave it on the coldest warm water setting I could and then I still did some straight cold water therapy…

  • Day 3: Cold Water Therapy

    I still don’t know if it’s just because there’s a section of the water main on my house that’s exposed to the outside overnight that the water seems so much colder when I first get in the shower – or if it’s just that my body adapts, but damn it’s COLD. I guess the real…

  • Day 2: Cold Water Therapy

    I peeled myself out of bed after some internal arguing and I got into the shower. I flipped the shower on before I could think about it and brrrr. Soooo cold. But again like yesterday it got less cold after a minute or two – I don’t know if that’s just from water sitting outside…

  • Cold Water Therapy

    So after deciding to put an end to Embracing Warriorship as I kept “failing” at my goals. As I was up and journaling this morning, I realized I had started to put too many “big” habit changes into my day. So I needed to throttle back. Yeah I can definitely add changes into my day…

  • Embracing Warriorship: The End

    I think this challenge is dead. I’ve been fighting with myself and trying to understand why I haven’t had the drive to push through this challenge like I’ve had for the previous ones. I’ve picked up some good habits, but I find myself contemplating why I’m continuing this format. It’s putting a bunch of pressure…

  • Day 10: Embracing Warriorship

    This is more of a catch-up than anything. I’m really on day 10 and I’m failing the challenge to myself to do everything on my list. But simultaneously I’m feeling like I’m digging down to a whole new level. I’m accepting that I’m fine not meeting my own expectations. I keep thinking back to Way…

  • Day 9: Embracing Warriorship

    I must be getting close to some genuine gold here. I’m having the hardest time wanting to continue this process. I’m reflecting on life and for a long time, I’ve liked the idea of become a life coach. I remember being inspired by my first Karate instructor. I can pretty much trace the trajectory of…