Category: Journal Entry

  • Day 4: No Alcohol

    Wow, the sugar craving were a bit rough last night and I did succumb. But I did stop myself at one point and remembered Peter Attia’s book Outlive – basically high blood sugar is the gateway to a ton of chronic health problems. So yeah, I’m keeping that in mind as I go through this…

  • Day 3: No Alcohol

    I didn’t realize how many calories I must have been getting from drinking – my appetite, particularly for carbs/sugar went through the roof. I drank a couple of 20oz sodas (about what I would have consumed with drinks) and ate some fruit snacks (okay like 4 small packets). I started dozing off about 9:30 last…

  • Day 2: No Alcohol

    Here we go with day 2, I had a rough night sleeping – even after a hot shower. But it’s happened before when I’ve gone without drinking. Need to give it a few days. I did get up and get to the gym this morning got a full workout in – it went about 15…

  • Day 1: No Alcohol

    I’ve been thinking about it the last few days and last night I had just about decided that I should give up caffeine for 30 days. But, I thought about it as I was sipping some whisky last night and realized I really need to give up alcohol for at least 30 days. I don’t…

  • Day 30: Cold Water Therapy

    Oh wow, last day of this challenge – not the last day I’m doing cold water though. Forcing myself to be uncomfortable for a few minutes every morning has had a noticeable effect on simply being able to make myself do things. I came across an idea in my YouTube feed (I haven’t watched it…

  • Day 29: Cold Water Therapy

    Yeah I’m feeling a definite physiological change, my circulation seems to have improved – my hands and feet have always had a tendency to swell. But over the last few days in particular, my hands and feet have been noticeably smaller – particularly my feet. I notice when I put my shoes on. My body…

  • Day 28: Cold Water Therapy

    Winding down on this experiment, I can definitely say this is something that makes a big difference in getting my butt going in the morning. Taking the uncomfortably hot showers before bed have been making a noticeable difference with my sleep. I seem to sleep really deeply and wake up early – which should make…

  • Day 27: Cold Water Therapy

    Nothing big to report on today – I was going to to go to the gym, but I’ve have had something going through my gut that makes me nervous to get under the bar. I did make myself take a cold shower and it still woke me up even at 1:30 in the afternoon.

  • Day 26: Cold Water Therapy

    Family stayed overnight in a hotel, so yeah had to take a cold shower in a strange bathroom. But I still got it done – yeah it’s definitely getting easier to make myself do things I don’t feel like or want to do. I’m really thinking this cold water exposure thing is something potentially life-changing.…