Tag: Resistance

  • Day 2: Cold Water Therapy

    I peeled myself out of bed after some internal arguing and I got into the shower. I flipped the shower on before I could think about it and brrrr. Soooo cold. But again like yesterday it got less cold after a minute or two – I don’t know if that’s just from water sitting outside…

  • Cold Water Therapy

    So after deciding to put an end to Embracing Warriorship as I kept “failing” at my goals. As I was up and journaling this morning, I realized I had started to put too many “big” habit changes into my day. So I needed to throttle back. Yeah I can definitely add changes into my day…

  • Day 10: Embracing Warriorship

    This is more of a catch-up than anything. I’m really on day 10 and I’m failing the challenge to myself to do everything on my list. But simultaneously I’m feeling like I’m digging down to a whole new level. I’m accepting that I’m fine not meeting my own expectations. I keep thinking back to Way…

  • Day 7: Embracing Warriorship

    I’m tired the last few days and having a helluva time continuing on with this project. I think that means I need to keep going all the more. I got my core stuff done yesterday (yeah I’m a day late on this) except for getting out of bed on time.

  • Day 4: Embracing Warriorship

    I’m really not feeling like I’m embracing warriorship today – but I’m going through everything. I showed up at the dojo and did some light bag work, light stretching, and some combinations in the air. I just couldn’t get my joints to warm up. I probably need to get some sleeves for my knees and…

  • Embracing Warriorship: Reboot

    I’ve realized this hasn’t been going all that well and one of the great things with taking things 30 days at a time means I can simply start over easily and keep moving forward. I realized I haven’t been exercising discipline the way I should be and I was too optimistic with my ability to…

  • Day 6: Embracing Warriorship

    Wow, I had zero ambition today. Then my co-workers wanted to do lunch (they also work remotely) – so I got in the shower at 11 and got cleaned up. I made myself go through my cold exposure since I was in there anyway. Wouldn’t you know it, I suddenly had some ambition. Thinking back,…

  • Embracing Warriorship

    Starting my 3rd 30 day challenge – wow, 2024 is going pretty damn well I’d say. The theme for this 30 days is “Embracing Warriorship” – I’ve been thinking about it a lot as I went through the last 30 days. I’m feeling inspired by Living the Martial Way (and also Way of the Peaceful…

  • Day 27: Shaping Discipline

    Holy crap, I just realized today how much I’ve been letting the discipline side of this get away from me – or I guess I’ve been making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I let my wake-up time slip and then I’ve been letting tasks slip until later in the day…