Tag: Emotional Work

  • Day 22: No Alcohol

    I’m planning on drinking tomorrow night with my wife – so technically this where this challenge is going to end – until I do another later this year. Probably in September. But I’ve learned a lot myself and my relationship to intoxicants. I’ve been a lot more productive, I’ve felt a lot better physically as…

  • Day 12: Cold Water Therapy

    So cold water just isn’t as difficult to expose yourself to after you’ve been outside working in the yard. On the other hand, I did find my faucet will go colder – so I guess I’ve been cheating myself in the mornings I get up – yeah I slept in this morning and then I…

  • Day 3: Cold Water Therapy

    I still don’t know if it’s just because there’s a section of the water main on my house that’s exposed to the outside overnight that the water seems so much colder when I first get in the shower – or if it’s just that my body adapts, but damn it’s COLD. I guess the real…

  • Embracing Warriorship: The End

    I think this challenge is dead. I’ve been fighting with myself and trying to understand why I haven’t had the drive to push through this challenge like I’ve had for the previous ones. I’ve picked up some good habits, but I find myself contemplating why I’m continuing this format. It’s putting a bunch of pressure…

  • Day 10: Embracing Warriorship

    This is more of a catch-up than anything. I’m really on day 10 and I’m failing the challenge to myself to do everything on my list. But simultaneously I’m feeling like I’m digging down to a whole new level. I’m accepting that I’m fine not meeting my own expectations. I keep thinking back to Way…

  • Day 2: Embracing Warriorship

    I got home from teaching last night and was too tired to write this by the time I could have. It’s what I get for “slacking off” and letting myself have some extra time to sleep after weights followed by some intense cardio. I didn’t get my professional reading done yesterday, but I did get…

  • Finding Brandon

    I woke up this morning with a strange feeling. I started thinking on my 30 day challenges and why I decided to reboot, more so why I kept sabotaging myself. Especially after I’ve had so many successes already. Then in a flash of half-dreaming inspiration I had a picture of my self-image as a gangly,…

  • Day 5: Embracing Warriorship

    Wow, this 30 days is proving to be a lot harder ramp up than I thought. But I’m still doing what I can – while still being a good father, husband, and employee. These practices are meant to improve my life overall not take it over. I did get most of my list done yesterday,…

  • Day 29: Shaping Discipline

    I ended up staying up late talking to my wife so I slept in until 7 this morning (that’s become very late for me). I was still able to get everything on my list done. I’ve been reflecting on this cycle as it’s almost over and I had a couple of experiences last night. The…