Category: Journal Entry

  • Day 4: Building a 2nd Brain

    This process of data curation is much slower to see results than I thought it would be – perhaps it’s because I’m taking in less information the last several days. Probably because I’m thinking about how to ingest the data and make notes about thing. Consciously making notes in the appropriate place is something I…

  • Day 3: Building a 2nd Brain

    I hit the gym and got everything I planned on done: Yeah, I’m going to stay at 170lbs on press until I get all 3 work sets to 5 reps. Deadlifts and Squats, I’m going to stay at 355 and 315 respectively. My right side was refusing to engage properly today – I need to…

  • Day 2: Building a 2nd Brain

    I’ve I looked a little more into Wallabag, and it’s still something I want to look into, but it would require me going deeper down the Docker rabbit hole to spin it up on the same droplet I’ve got for Joplin than I care to right now. So I just signed up for Instapaper –…

  • Day 1: Building a 2nd Brain

    So after getting the basic infrastructure for taking notes using open source alternatives in place: Running on a Digital Ocean droplet, I’m using NextCloud and Joplin for note taking/synchronization across my devices. Like I said yesterday, I can see the potential for helping me catalog, extract, organize, and distill the information I’m ingesting on a…

  • Building a 2nd Brain

    I talked about building a 2nd Brain – an external warehouse for knowledge/media that I’m consuming. Yeah I think this is going to be my upcoming challenge. I’ve got to get some infrastructure in place before I make use of the idea – at least practically. But first what the hell is a “2nd brain?”…

  • Weight Training – 6/16/24

    Writing down my workouts the night before seems to be helping with my mental fortitude a bit. If I plan them out when I’m not tired, then I have more ambition. When I show up in the gym the next day I just get to work. So what did I get done today? Right at…

  • Journal Entry – 6/15/24

    I woke up feeling the three days in a row of hard exercise. I’ve still be fairly active with some yard work and some work on my camper. I mowed my front lawn – not a big lawn as my house is on an 1/8 of acre – but it still took about 45 minutes…

  • Weight Training – 6/14/24

    After Kenpo last night, I ended up sleeping for an extra couple hours this morning. I had grand ambitions of going to the gym early this morning – but after sleeping in that didn’t happen. But I still made it and I tore it up aside from cardio – my calf started cramping up a…

  • Kenpo Class – 6/13/24

    I got a flash of inspiration before my class tonight and took out a slightly used notebook, cleared out the used pages and actually wrote a lesson plan. I decided I’m going back to a class format like I went through when I started 20 years go plus some: Yeah the push-ups/sit-ups is nothing impressive,…