Category: Journal Entry

  • Day 24: Starting Off Winning

    Well damn, I did have a worry about getting “back on the horse” after being sick – well I still am I little sick, but wow. Second day in a row I’ve gotten up and done everything I set out to do this morning. I actually find myself looking forward to getting out of bed…

  • Day 23: Starting Off Winning

    I woke up before 4 this morning and after going to bed around 8 last night I figured I’d slept enough. Even better I’ve been feeling pretty good without cold meds. Yeah I can feel my internal energy reserves aren’t that great, but I still got up, took a shower, hydrated, did my light exposure,…

  • Day 22: Starting Off Winning

    I want to say I hate being sick, but really it’s not something I can control – outside of taking preventative measures. I’m a generally clean person, so that’s all I can do aside from taking care of myself while I’m sick. I had a meeting this afternoon and I’ve been dealing with a sinus…

  • Day 21: Starting Off Winning

    I wish I was feeling better, but I’m not – oh well. I’ve at least kept the blog going as part of this process. I’ve been debating on doing anything as “penance” for not getting the other things on my routine done while I’ve been sick, but no – the point is not to punish…

  • Day 20: Starting Off Winning

    Still sick, so I don’t know that this counts as “starting off” winning. But I’m still doing what I can and I did manage to get some work done today, while my son was also home not feeling good. Both of us ended up taking a nap, but I woke up before he did and…

  • Day 19: Starting Off Winning

    I’m still sick, thought I was starting to feel a bit better until this afternoon, and then got worried when the Mrs. said her throat is hurting. So I got a strep test and it came back negative – but given that it’s within the first 48 hours of symptoms, the false negative rate is…

  • Day 18: Starting Off Winning

    Woke up about 3:00am feeling like a cold was coming on – I turned off my alarm because it’s Saturday anyway. Then went back to sleep. I wrestled a lot with sleep, finally got out of bed around 8:00am feeling like crap. Yep full blown cold (or maybe strep – my throat has been getting…

  • Day 17: Starting Off Winning

    Knowing is only “half the battle” – doing is the other half (or extreme violence in the case of G.I. Joe). I laid in bed this morning after my alarm went off, and started telling myself that I need to get up. But that only seemed to slow me down and make me want to…

  • Day 16: Starting Off Winning

    It was a bit rough getting out of bed this morning, I was actually arguing with myself – or I should say I was telling myself I needed to get out of bed, but didn’t for about 20 minutes. Once I got into the shower it got easier to make myself do things, but I…