Author: Brandon

  • Day 29: Starting Off Winning

    Wow, I didn’t know if I’d actually make it this far. The cold water therapy was the part I was not looking forward to the most – but now I think I enjoy subjecting myself to the cold. Yeah it sucks, but I know it’s only temporary and I’ll come out the other side just…

  • Day 28: Starting Off Winning

    Wow, getting down to the end here. I had a thought last night that I need to do something to improve my professional capabilities – the easiest thing for me to do is to read a book on a cybersecurity topic every month. Then I was thinking about how to break it down, easiest thing…

  • Day 27: Starting Off Winning

    I didn’t get out of bed until 5:15, but I did get everything done. I was going to head into the office today, but my son wasn’t feeling well. So I stayed home and have been taking care of him. I have started making sure my major objectives are things that will make life easier…

  • Day 26: Starting Off Winning

    I slept in this morning, but I felt really good getting out of bed. I hydrated and took some probiotic supplements to recover from a course of anti-biotics (wow, they really do help your gut). I realized something important when I’ve been defining my 3 major objectives for the day – a lot of times…

  • Day 25: Starting Off Winning

    I got myself up at 4:45 this morning, showered, shaved and hydrated. Then I went back to sleep for a while – it’s a Saturday after-all. I was also sleeping off some whisky from the night before. I let an almost altercation with my neighbor get on nerves and so I drank. Not the best…

  • Day 24: Starting Off Winning

    Well damn, I did have a worry about getting “back on the horse” after being sick – well I still am I little sick, but wow. Second day in a row I’ve gotten up and done everything I set out to do this morning. I actually find myself looking forward to getting out of bed…

  • Day 23: Starting Off Winning

    I woke up before 4 this morning and after going to bed around 8 last night I figured I’d slept enough. Even better I’ve been feeling pretty good without cold meds. Yeah I can feel my internal energy reserves aren’t that great, but I still got up, took a shower, hydrated, did my light exposure,…

  • Day 22: Starting Off Winning

    I want to say I hate being sick, but really it’s not something I can control – outside of taking preventative measures. I’m a generally clean person, so that’s all I can do aside from taking care of myself while I’m sick. I had a meeting this afternoon and I’ve been dealing with a sinus…

  • Day 21: Starting Off Winning

    I wish I was feeling better, but I’m not – oh well. I’ve at least kept the blog going as part of this process. I’ve been debating on doing anything as “penance” for not getting the other things on my routine done while I’ve been sick, but no – the point is not to punish…