Day 16: Cold Water Therapy

I’ve been making a lot of excuses for myself lately. I have so much I’ve done this year and seen good things from, but I’ve stopped – some of it from feeling overloaded and some from giving myself excuses.

Taking a cold water shower, even if it’s not first thing has been immensely helpful in helping me tap into that thing that just makes you cut the bullshit and simply do something. I find it’s actually more of an exercise to make myself do something to take an ice cold shower after being awake for a bit. Although getting up first thing and taking a cold shower before the sun comes up is pretty brutal.

I need to get back to waking up early – I was so much more productive. Hopefully getting sick won’t be so much of a thing now that my son is out of public daycare. Poor kid kept getting sick – every other time he’d go, he’d get sick a couple of days later. The joys of a group of kids – yeah he’ll run into that when he gets into school, but hopefully his immune system will be more developed and he’ll have a better chance at fighting stuff off.


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