Day 27: Shaping Discipline

Holy crap, I just realized today how much I’ve been letting the discipline side of this get away from me – or I guess I’ve been making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be.

I let my wake-up time slip and then I’ve been letting tasks slip until later in the day and that only increases the odds that I won’t do them. Which is disappointing when I let let stuff go.

But wow, three days left on this cycle. We’ll see what takes place on the next cycle. I’m really wanting to bump up my physical activity as part of it. I need to get back into the gym, yeah I said I was going to do it today, but too many things getting in the way before I have to go pick my son up from the sitter.

So Friday will be my grand return and yeah I’m just going back to simplicity with the weights – hopefully keep my workouts around 45 minutes or an hour without become exhausted too often – I’ll really need to plan out my heavy days. Well hell, probably just do heavy on Fridays and leave it at that. I’m going to alternate A/B days anyway.

I was talking with a friend last night and he pointed out how big of a deal it is that I’ve simply started on a self-improvement journey. It really is a big deal to just get moving, then another that I’ve been keeping it up for two months. Inertia is a thing and it needs to be respected – the same as resistance.


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