Tag: Ego

  • Day 28: Shaping Discipline

    There was a story in Way of the Peaceful Warrior that talked about someone seeking enlightenment and they came across an old man carrying a sack. The seeker asked the old man “what is enlightenment?” The old man responded b dropping his heavy load and standing up straight. The seeker then asked “what do you…

  • Day 4: Shaping Discipline

    I didn’t get out of bed until 4:47 this morning – so no credit there. But I did get everything done before I left for work this morning. I had a good conversation with one of my grandmasters today, he was talking about an experience with Ed Parker Sr. where the senior black belts kept…

  • Day 27: Starting Off Winning

    I didn’t get out of bed until 5:15, but I did get everything done. I was going to head into the office today, but my son wasn’t feeling well. So I stayed home and have been taking care of him. I have started making sure my major objectives are things that will make life easier…

  • Day 18: Starting Off Winning

    Woke up about 3:00am feeling like a cold was coming on – I turned off my alarm because it’s Saturday anyway. Then went back to sleep. I wrestled a lot with sleep, finally got out of bed around 8:00am feeling like crap. Yep full blown cold (or maybe strep – my throat has been getting…

  • Day 16: Starting Off Winning

    It was a bit rough getting out of bed this morning, I was actually arguing with myself – or I should say I was telling myself I needed to get out of bed, but didn’t for about 20 minutes. Once I got into the shower it got easier to make myself do things, but I…

  • Day 14: Starting Off Winning

    This morning was rough, but I got everything done – I even made myself sit through my entire meditation time instead of letting myself off easy. Yeah it’s a wrestling match with my mind trying to focus on a single thing for even 10 minutes – today I simply focused on my breathing – in…

  • Taking Ownership

    Why am I doing this? And by “this” I mean discovering, wrestling with, making friends with, and/or banishing my inner demons – followed by, of course, documenting the process? The biggest reason is that I have a son, and I’ll be damned if my son is going to inherit my demons because I wasn’t man…