Category: Journal Entry

  • Weight Training – 6/12/24

    I was a bit behind schedule this morning, so I got in the gym and did an abbreviated “lighter” training session: By the time I got to the shoulder taps, my shoulders were shredded from the bench and carries. By the time I sat down for lunch with the Mrs. a few hours later, it…

  • Day 22: No Alcohol

    I’m planning on drinking tomorrow night with my wife – so technically this where this challenge is going to end – until I do another later this year. Probably in September. But I’ve learned a lot myself and my relationship to intoxicants. I’ve been a lot more productive, I’ve felt a lot better physically as…

  • Day 21: No Alcohol

    Got my weight training in this morning, although I forgot to do cardio – but oh well. I tried an asymmetrically loaded RDL today – it’s pretty intense with only a 25lb plate on one side. I can definitely feel the imbalance in my core and posterior chain on my right side. Oh well, the…

  • Day 20: No Alcohol

    I slept pretty good last night, although I jammed my finger pretty good while I was training with my teacher yesterday. I’ll get some ice on it after I get done writing this. I came across some recommendations for carb consumption and training earlier. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow – eat some carbs about…

  • Day 19: No Alcohol

    Been a busy day today with work and travel. I did get to go train with one of my teachers today, I’ve started learning American Kenpo Form 6 – an interesting form dealing with weapon defenses. I’m a bit torn as I’m not a fan of the way most martial arts teach dealing knives in…

  • Day 18: No Alcohol

    Had friends over for Dungeons and Dragons last night – we didn’t do much campaign wise, we were busy catching up as it’s been a while since we got together. Talking with everyone about what I’ve been doing this year, my friends are impressed. But the Mrs. pointed out that I won’t be able to…

  • Day 17: No Alcohol

    I’ve started going down a bit of a rabbit hole with understanding more about fat loss and dieting in general. I came across the Renaissance Periodization channel on YouTube (I’ll refer to Mike as RP from now on) and he’s got a lot of good information. I quantify “good” as he seems to know what…

  • Day 16: Alcohol

    Damn, that was a good workout. I did 5 minutes on the elliptical to warm up, then did 3 sets of Kickstand Squats, then did 3 sets of bench at 255lbs, then deadlifted 315lbs – I used a weight for the first time in a while and wow, that made 315 feel like 225 unbelted.…

  • Day 15: No Alcohol

    I didn’t have any candy or sugary drinks yesterday – diet/zero calorie stuff is growing on me. They’re not as sweet and I don’t get a blood sugar spike. So heck yeah – I’m sure my dentist/hygienist will be happy/disappointed with the improvement in my oral health. I think need to make more of an…