Embracing Warriorship

Starting my 3rd 30 day challenge – wow, 2024 is going pretty damn well I’d say.

The theme for this 30 days is “Embracing Warriorship” – I’ve been thinking about it a lot as I went through the last 30 days. I’m feeling inspired by Living the Martial Way (and also Way of the Peaceful Warrior) – the author talks a lot about how a warrior will always be training. Something I know I need more of.

I had gotten sick and then sick again (the joys of putting a child into pre-school), then I spent a couple weeks not feeling the best. I realized I needed to quit making excuses and get back in the gym. So as I mentioned on Day 30 of Shaping Discipline I went back in and I’m just keeping it simple and doing the Starting Strength workout. The training sessions are very basic but, I can’t argue with the results for the time commitment.

I need more conditioning in my training so I’m putting in kettlebell ladders and I’m also going to try combining my mobility and mediation into some Yoga practice – we’ll see how it goes.

I said I’m breaking things into blocks – a morning block, a professional block, and a martial block. I’m also going to add in a general health block – I didn’t list Hydrate originally, but I really want to keep that going so I’ll leave it as a checkbox for this cycle. Then I’m also wanting to make sure I get protein first thing in the morning and that I take a walk every day – I need to be a better pet owner and take my dog out anyway.

For personal reading, I’m still going through Living the Martial Way. For my professional reading, I’m going to read The Art of Cyberwarfare by Jon DiMaggio. I’m keeping the shower/shave/cold water exposure and journaling a full page. I did also start keeping a bit of a notebook for my martial arts stuff – maybe I should start keeping a training journal. I’ll think about that for next round.

Day 1

Okay, this has been a ramp up in difficulty – which is a good thing. But I’m also sore from Friday – so I’m skipping the gym today and kettlebell ladders. But I’m still going to get a walk in and Yoga. That will be some good active recovery.

The morning block really does need to be completed in the morning – again a good thing.

I weighed myself this morning and according to my bathroom scale, I’m into the 270s now. So I just need to keep doing what I’m doing while ramping up my protein intake and getting back to lifting and I should get to where I want to be – a higher muscle mass with a lower body fat. A lower overall weight would be nice too, but I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and see what happens.


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