Day 2: No Alcohol

Here we go with day 2, I had a rough night sleeping – even after a hot shower. But it’s happened before when I’ve gone without drinking. Need to give it a few days.

I did get up and get to the gym this morning got a full workout in – it went about 15 minutes faster as I tried a different version of squats – kick stand squats to help rehab my right side glute med and min. It’s still a pretty intense variation, especially after 5 sets.

I remember trying to go back and do my weights first thing in the morning and feeling wiped out all day. I wonder if I was just in need of some prolonged rest at the time or what – but it’s not the case today. Although it might be the cold shower after word – that didn’t feel nearly as cold.

I’m feeling lighter the last few days and I’ve noticed I haven’t been eating as much even though my energy level has been pretty constant. I wonder if it’s the combination of the cold and hot water showers – probably that and getting my ass back in the gym.


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