Tag: Getting Things Done

  • Day 3: Building a 2nd Brain

    I hit the gym and got everything I planned on done: Yeah, I’m going to stay at 170lbs on press until I get all 3 work sets to 5 reps. Deadlifts and Squats, I’m going to stay at 355 and 315 respectively. My right side was refusing to engage properly today – I need to…

  • Day 2: Building a 2nd Brain

    I’ve I looked a little more into Wallabag, and it’s still something I want to look into, but it would require me going deeper down the Docker rabbit hole to spin it up on the same droplet I’ve got for Joplin than I care to right now. So I just signed up for Instapaper –…

  • Day 1: Building a 2nd Brain

    So after getting the basic infrastructure for taking notes using open source alternatives in place: Running on a Digital Ocean droplet, I’m using NextCloud and Joplin for note taking/synchronization across my devices. Like I said yesterday, I can see the potential for helping me catalog, extract, organize, and distill the information I’m ingesting on a…

  • Building a 2nd Brain

    I talked about building a 2nd Brain – an external warehouse for knowledge/media that I’m consuming. Yeah I think this is going to be my upcoming challenge. I’ve got to get some infrastructure in place before I make use of the idea – at least practically. But first what the hell is a “2nd brain?”…

  • Journal Entry – 6/15/24

    I woke up feeling the three days in a row of hard exercise. I’ve still be fairly active with some yard work and some work on my camper. I mowed my front lawn – not a big lawn as my house is on an 1/8 of acre – but it still took about 45 minutes…

  • Beginner Hacks to Change Your Life

    I haven’t decided on a new 30 day challenge yet, but I’d like to keep my writing everyday going. So I thought I’d do a write-up on the changes I’ve experimented with that have had the biggest impact on my life so far. These are roughly in the order of difficulty from easiest to most…

  • Day 19: No Alcohol

    Been a busy day today with work and travel. I did get to go train with one of my teachers today, I’ve started learning American Kenpo Form 6 – an interesting form dealing with weapon defenses. I’m a bit torn as I’m not a fan of the way most martial arts teach dealing knives in…

  • Day 17: No Alcohol

    I’ve started going down a bit of a rabbit hole with understanding more about fat loss and dieting in general. I came across the Renaissance Periodization channel on YouTube (I’ll refer to Mike as RP from now on) and he’s got a lot of good information. I quantify “good” as he seems to know what…

  • Day 15: No Alcohol

    I didn’t have any candy or sugary drinks yesterday – diet/zero calorie stuff is growing on me. They’re not as sweet and I don’t get a blood sugar spike. So heck yeah – I’m sure my dentist/hygienist will be happy/disappointed with the improvement in my oral health. I think need to make more of an…