Day 19: No Alcohol

Been a busy day today with work and travel.

I did get to go train with one of my teachers today, I’ve started learning American Kenpo Form 6 – an interesting form dealing with weapon defenses. I’m a bit torn as I’m not a fan of the way most martial arts teach dealing knives in particular – but it’s part of the curriculum so yeah. I’ll go learn another chunk of the form in a few weeks when I go visit my teacher again.

Training for the next tournament is going okay, I was tired yesterday after the gym – and the rest of the day so I didn’t get a lot done outside of getting ready for camping this summer. I was talking to my teacher about the tournament (he’s the one that runs it) and he seemed impressed with stuff I’m working on to get ready. So we’ll see what happens.

I had to take my belt in a little more today, as it was riding a bit lower – I don’t if my belt is just getting stretched out (it’s a Grip belt) or if waist is shrinking. I guess I could measure and figure it out – but I’m not that ambitious today.


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